Wednesday, November 23, 2016


I am thankful for days like today, which remind me both that I’ve gotten to where I want to be and that I’ve got as far to go as I want.

Today started with watching the work in progress of our fifth film in a real theater, and ended with watching Moana in the same theater.

I’m thankful for my husband, who is awesome and currently making stuffing for thanksgiving dinner so he can bring a little of his far away family to the gathering of mine.

I’m thankful for my cat who needs to be touching both of us whenever possible.

I’m thankful for my family who supports me and loves me even if we don’t all agree with each other.

I’m thankful for my friends. I love you all.

I’m also thankful for air conditioners that also function as heaters and dehumidifiers. Because winter is totes coming.

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