Thursday, September 20, 2012


I want an iPhone 5. It's near the end of my contract and I could technically upgrade right this second if it weren't for the fact that the preorders sold out in an hour or so... But even so I want to jump ship and ditch my crappy carrier too. Which means I have to wait till January. Meh.

So in the mean time I wait and download the new iOS. So far it's neat. Some of the features I was most interested in are only available for the 4s and 5, so I still have to wait... But alas.

In other news I'm still animating. And they asked me to come back next week and work on another project, so things are going well. I still have no social life but I'm taking steps to make that happen too.

Lastly, blogger apparently has an app, new from the last time I went looking. No landscape keyboard or anything, but perhaps this means my blog will update more. :)

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