Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I got hired this week at two studios! One has a day's worth of animation work for me and the other has a week's worth of puppet fabrication.

This animation/artist business is so often feast or famine, but every now and again things go just right. At the moment this means I technically have four jobs this week, three of which I'm having fun doing, and one of which I'm doing because it pays the bills. Oddly though it isn't particularly stressful other than getting to the right place at the right time. To be honest I got an email about one of the jobs and due to the fact there are people with the same names involved at both places I nearly goofed up which studio at which to be.


With all the furring of puppets I've been doing this year, you'd think Laika would be more interested in calling me back though.

...because I need MORE jobs. :)

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