Sunday, October 30, 2011


So alas, the animation studio job ended the other day, so now I find myself with some homework time. I was trying to finish an 11 second club entry for my independent study class so now I should have enough time to slip it under the wire. I know I won't win but this has given me some valuable practice.

I also have to get my animation reel put together for my senior portfolio class... My mentor is meeting with me for lunch to go over some of my stuff to help me get a decent graduation reel set up. I graduate December 16th and am pretty excited. It also helps that the boyfriend will be visiting then too... It'll have been 6 months since I saw him last at that point.

Tonight I went to a Halloween cupcake pah-tay dressed as a sim. Since I'll be working a total of 14 hours on Halloween day and I expect they won't let me wear anything other than my uniform, I figured that was the easiest thing to get away with. EA handed out these sim diamond headbands at e3 a couple years ago, so that'll do nicely for a simple yet funny costume. Saw someone dressed as the Doctor, too which was pretty cool. It was lame I had to leave early to go to work but at least I got to go.

Back to animating I go.

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