Thursday, October 13, 2011

That was unexpected...

I took the summer off school so I could go work on a professional stop motion project, and when it was over I talked to the producers individually to tell them I had a blast working with them on the project, and I was really glad they brought me on board.  One of them, upon finding out that I had one quarter of school left, offered me an internship.

So last week I called Trevor and asked if the offer was still open.  He said it was and I should show up the following Tuesday.  When I arrived Tuesday, they told me that they'd rather just hire me, and had me write my availability down, and from now 'till the end of whenever I am working there in every scrap of free time I had.  My next day off is Thanksgiving.  This is okay though, for in December I graduate, and will be launched into my career.  In theory.

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