Saturday, October 27, 2018

of-thought-will-life-and-death: mangoluvah: thenamesdede: brothernatures: its-probably-all-elves:...










girl culture is turning around every few feet when you’re walking alone to see if someone’s following u

Learn to peep through the corner of your eye so you’re not quite so obvious when you turn.

Putting in your earphones so hopefully no random men try to talk to/harass you but not actually playing music so you can listen for footsteps/other suspicious noises behind you.

feeling like someone is following you and subtly shifting whatever object you’re holding into a better grip so you can use it as a bludgeon if the person behind you tries anything

Being fucking terrified when street lamps give you more than one shadow

just girly things~🌟

Doing a full scan of the parking lot before speed walking to your car. Oh, and glancing in your back windows to make sure no one is already in there 🙃

Feeling anxious when you walk past a bunch of men hoping that none of them say a word to you.

Learning to adjust your own pace so that anyone trying to match it will be easier to hear

Checking out the things to either side so you can peek subtly behind you.

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