Saturday, February 24, 2018

mindfulwrath: hey, one millenial to another? don’t just leave the gen z kids to clean up this mess....


hey, one millenial to another?

don’t just leave the gen z kids to clean up this mess. i know we’re all tired, i know we’re all exhausted, but we cannot sit back on our nihilistic laurels and leave them to do this alone.

it’s time to stand back up. it’s time to get back in there. it’s time to fight that fight, and fight it harder.

it’s time to be the adults we wish had stood with us.

I’m that weird lost generation between the millennial and generation X, and I keep finding myself full of the tired nihilism of the millennials and the righteous wrath and passionate intensity of the Z kids and I just have to say… let’s give them all hell.

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