Sunday, January 1, 2017

We’ll Make YOUR Resolutions!




Tired of making your own New Year’s resolutions? Yes? Then this year, let That’s Believable do the resolution making thing so you don’t have to!*

Our team of experts and unpaid interns will send you a hand-crafted resolution tailored to your specific needs, or close!

If you would like an official THAT’S BELIEVABLE Resolution of your very own, please send us an ASK or REPLY to this post.

* This sounded much better in our head.


If you would like a custom, hand-crafted, artisanally made resolution, there’s still time! Simply send us an ASK or REPLY to this post.

Congratulations! You have an official THAT’S BELIEVABLE New Year’s Resolution, suitable for whatever!

RESOLUTION FOR @danie-dreams

The best things in life are not frozen peas, but frozen peas are still pretty good. Let’s not get down on frozen peas so much, they serve a purpose. Let’s instead focus on resolutions, and it’s resolved that you should make a festive yet functional suit of tin foil that can screen out the mind-control rays which are constantly beamed at us by hostile powers. Note that we said “suit,” and not “helmet.” Everyone thinks you need to make a tin-foil helmet, but that’s not true at all.

Happy New Year!

Well. I guess I know what I must do this year!

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