Tuesday, December 20, 2016

LGBTQ Youth Survival Guide: Trump Edition





Dear beautiful, fabulous gender creative and sexually non-conforming youth and teens–all those who are queer, trans, non-binary, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and a hundred other wonderful self-proclaimed identities,

My heart breaks for you. This is not the future I wanted for you. This is not the future I have been fighting for. But I also know you are strong and I want you to have the information you need to survive. Because I need you to survive! I haven’t seen a “this shit is real” missive to you yet, so here’s what I’ve got. I don’t think it’s helpful to sugar coat this. Yes, you and I and millions of others like us are going to be under attack, so we need to be prepared to fight for ourselves and for each other.

And, I’ve heard a lot of hard, sad things from the LGBTQ youth I know. I want you to hear how much hope there is: People who believe you are beautiful and needed are in the majority in this country. If you doubt this, ask someone to add you to the secret Facebook group Pantsuit Nation and post your story and picture.

Some guidance on how to survive (and thrive):

Keep reading

Youth, please read. Adults, please read and help the youth in your life navigate.

My colleague makes a promise on behalf of all of us that UU ministers will be there for LGBTQ youth. We will.

Sorry, folks, there’s going to be a bit of this sort of thing in my Tumblr, despite its normal lack of connection to the modern world. It’s an emergency. Please bear with me and I hope some of you find some of this helpful.

Reblogging this for any of my younger followers who might need it.

What he said.

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hPPk5t

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