Monday, August 8, 2016

Any advice for someone who wants to go into comics?

do the work

work hard

self deprecation is the least cute & helpful thing, fake it till u make it

don’t try to befriend ppl just to use their connections. don’t ask ppl to “hook you up”

make real friends in the industry who care about you & your work without giving a shit about how many followers/connections they might have. don’t be a social climber. if someone checks ur timeline & sees u tweeting incessantly at a whole bunch of different ppl without having any work of your own, that’s real telling

don’t begrudge other ppl opportunities given to them. be happy for them. jealousy & bitterness is not a good look

be genuine

finish your projects

never do unpaid work

it’s ok to assert boundaries & to stand up for your beliefs

get a flexible day job that gives benefits & time off if possible, bc paying bills on art alone esp when just starting is not sustainable & you will ruin your health & sanity in the process.

stay healthy. get regular check ups. eat right. take breaks. there’s no honor in working oneself to an early grave.

this is a long term game & there is NO such thing as an overnight success, so don’t begrudge. anyone who has “overnight success” spent years being invisible. you will not immediately succeed the minute you put some art out there. you might not for the first 5 or ten years. every year you spend “in the trench” counts.

above all, be kind & gracious to everyone– your colleagues, editors, anyone who comes up to your table at shows, their friends, significant others, etc.

via Tumblr

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