Sunday, August 16, 2015

Went running this morning. The broken toe thing isn’t so...

Went running this morning. The broken toe thing isn’t so much a thing any more, so that’s good.

We learned on this run that bald eagles are douchebags.

Seriously. There was a hawk scouting for her breakfast, and we kept seeing it scanning the bank for rodents. After a half hour or so she flew up, pursued by two bald eagles. She had apparently caught a rodent that was nearly as large as she was and one of the eagles got close enough and aggressive enough that she dropped it. The first eagle caught it and the second one was in hot pursuit. They flew out over the river and the second eagle got the first to drop the rodent but wasn’t as agile and missed it. The rodent hit the water and the second eagle circled a bit but then had to give up in disgust.

So the hawk had to go hunting again. I figure she was like, “screw this; those eagles can fight over it and I’ll just get something else, the scavenger bastards.”

Eagle one was probably like, “yeah I’m just gonna let that hawk do all the work and I’ll kick her ass and take her food,” while eagle two was all like, “oh hey that’s a good idea bro, I’m going to do the same thing and..! Aw. I missed it bro.”

To which eagle one replied, “you jackass.”

And the hawk, having found further breakfast while the Eagles weren’t looking went off to munch it in the relative safety of the trees on the island.

I figure rodent number one’s fat little ghost was watching all this. “What? No not a hawk! Aw, crap. Well it was a good life I guess, no wait! Into the river?! I died for that?! You douchebags.”

So yeah. Bald eagles are douchebags.

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