Monday, April 20, 2015

sidisi: therealklt: theumbratumbla: The amount of people in the comments section on Youtube for...




The amount of people in the comments section on Youtube for the new Star Wars teaser going “OMG LEIA CAN USE FORCE?!?!?! WHAT IS THIS BETRAYAL. MAKE NO SENSE” make me want to jump-kick them in the face. Have you assholes SEEN Empire? She SENSES Luke in the Cloud City. Not to mention that the ‘another’ that Yoda and Obi-Wan discuss is Leia. If Luke was killed, or fell to the dark side, she was their last hope. 

It’s not even an EU thing, or something from an obscure novel. IT’S IN THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY. COME ON, GUYS.

Fake geek boys.

it’s literally a major plot point for fuck’s sake ugh

It’s literally an exact rip of dialogue from Jedi. The last line sounds different because his voice is literally 30+ years older. Come on guys.

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