Saturday, February 22, 2014

Summer Vacation

So soon I will roll off of production on the Boxtrolls at Laika... Which is a sad inevitability in most parts of the animation biz. I've had a blast over the last year. 
I do have a return date of the first week in august to work on the next film though, which is good. While I'm looking forward to it, it'll be nice to have what amounts to the first summer vacation I've had in over a decade. 
Lots of plans in the works. I intend to spend the first week or so doing nothing but play video games, but after that there's a short film I want to make some serious inroads on. There are also a few other projects I'd like to tackle. 
The only thing I'm irritated about is I have to include my hotel experience when applying for unemployment. Which means they're going to want me to apply at hotels too. Meh. Since I have a job waiting for me it stinks to have to consider jobs outside my field but whatever. It'll work out. 
In the mean time in updating my resume and website, and will redo my animation reel when I get a scrap of free time. Which sadly will probably be after I roll off. Work is so busy right now. But at least it means I've been able to save a little money for the lean times. 

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