Friday, November 9, 2012

Random writing...

So I'm writing a novel... because I wasn't busy enough.  It's going really well... and it makes me feel like I'm wasting my time to be typing here instead of on that... but hey.

Too many elipses.

Only have one job at the moment, so I have tons of free time for noveling and gaming, which makes me happy.  Im working my way through Dragon Quest VI at the moment and holding off on finishing Mass Effect 2 'till the novel's done.  Finished a bunch of games lately... including Dragon Age 2, Gears of War, Skylanders giants, and probably some other things I'm forgetting.

The special for the Hallmark channel I got to animate on (squee!) will air the day after thanksgiving this year, and probably a zillion times this holiday season.  I also got to work on a spot for another tv show, as well as a bunch of commercials.  Yay for stop motion!

And tonight I have to go back and work at the hotel, so perhaps I should get my butt in gear.  Hope everyone is well.

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