Thursday, June 9, 2011

Work work work...

First off, I'm not complaining. I have a full time job that gives me pretty decent insurance, and out of the woodwork the video game company called me up and offered me a bunch of work. Woo! Then, tonight, my old security boss called me and offered me some freelance work. On top of everything, I've applied for a couple of stop motion jobs.

Really though, where was all this work two years ago when my financial aid officer forgot to certify my loan, I had to borrow rent money, and I applied for food stamps out of desperation?

I probably needed to go through all of that to show myself how well I could survive when necessary. But wow, I am ridiculously busy these days. I'm almost done with school and in the midst of finals at the moment, which causes a particular brand of stress...

And I wouldn't change anything. I'm having a blast.

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