Monday, January 15, 2018

Click here to support Help Me Fix My Life

Click here to support Help Me Fix My Life:


I hate having to beg more than I already have, but after what’s happened tonight, I’m not sure what to do.

I never raised enough money to cover all of Alternis’s vet bills, which totalled over $2400 and maxed a credit card, but I’ve been putting the money raised toward the bills every month so i can try to pay off other things so that when the money runs out, i can afford it.

Then last week I was rear-ended by someone who ended up not being insured. She insists she did no damage to my vehicle, but the insurance adjuster says otherwise and now I have to come out of pocket $250 dollars if I want my vehicle repaired. 

On top of that, I’ve been really sick and unable to take time off work to get myself looked at. In the middle of a coughing fit, I ended up spilling water on my laptop and now it’s starting to… not work. My laptop is how I supplement my income and write, draw, etc. Which I now am unable to effectively.

To make matters worse, my workplace cut my pay so that the company could save money, and I’m bringing home less every paycheck. I hate having to beg, but i genuinely don’t know what to do.

Any donation helps toward the cost of repairing my vehicle, replacing my laptop so I can return to commissions, and continuing to pay off those vet bills. If you can’t donate, please consider reblogging and signal boosting.

Signal boost.

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