Ive never been much of a runner, but last fall I signed up for a 5k. To my surprise, and with the encouragement of my uncle Ron and friend Sara, I ran nearly all of it.
So I signed up for another (followed by a polar plunge), and though I was the only one from my team to show I did it anyway.
Now Sara and I are going to attack a half marathon. It'll be the end of September so we've got a good long time to train up for it.
It'll be another thing on my list of things I said I wish I could do. The list includes things like "write a book"... I've written three. (I still need to edit them and see about publishing for the second half of that.)
I've managed to get paid to animate for tv and the country's biggest stop motion studio, so there's that.
The cool thing is that these goals don't end. There's always another step to them, something to keep pushing for. And that's probably a recipe for being happy: always have something to strive for.
Also on the list is 'published comic artist,' and I'm on the way there too, on a couple of different avenues.
So keep pushing guys. Keep pushing your limits. And don't say you wish you could do something unless you're actually willing to do some work to make it happen. Because if I've learned one thing about life: wishes will come true if you're willing to work hard enough and sacrifice enough for them. Sometimes it'll be worth it and sometimes it won't, but you will always have grown in the process.