And here’s the animation done with the clay monkey head.
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And here’s the animation done with the clay monkey head.
Face sculpts for to animate som lip sync with.
Storm trooper action figure!
Modeled in maya for a class. It gave me an excuse to buy a Star Wars toy and that’s good enough for me.
M.C. Escher picture modeled in maya for a class.
Modeled in Maya for a class.
Mixed media on Bristol board trading card.
A codfish?
Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper.
More Bristol board art. Primarily ink and watercolor.
Jafar! Lots of different stuff on white clayboard.
Samurai penguin! Inspired by Ursula Vernon’s scribbly and ink stuff. This is artist trading card size Bristol board with loads of different stuff on it.
Two of my favourite gifs on the internet.
A good way to start Friday.
Robots fight robots.
A (ridiculously talented) buddy from school.
Think happy thoughts. Mixed media on mat board. Not as nice as Bristol.
Done in various iPad programs with a jot stylus.